The report above has 4 pages. The first shows the world cases by continent, the second one by country, the third one cases in The Netherlands by province and the last one US cases by state. All the pages have a scatterplot visual build with the same concept. On the Y-Axis there are new confirmed cases in the past week displayed, while on the X-Axis we have total confirmed cases to date. Individual dots show state of the entities (continents, countries, provinces or states) per selected date on the timeline below the chart (default is the last date for which the data is available). The timeline is split into weeks, the dates displayed on the timeline represent the last date of the week (Sunday), except for the current week where the displayed date is the last date for when the data is available. To see how the data changes through time, click on the play button near the timeline in the bottom-left corner of the chart.
By clicking on an individual dot you can see the path of the selected entity through time. The line that is displayed in the middle of the chart represents the doubling of cases every 2 days. That means that if a path of an entity is parallel to the line, the cases for the entity in that period are doubling every 2 days. If the same path is a horizontal line, the cases are increasing by the same number every week. However, if the line is downward-sloping then the number of new cases is decreasing by the week.