Action Block(s)
That was a quick step to note the names, but a big step towards the automated process.
Djeeni is now listening. Starting from this page, you can tell Djeeni block by block (in the right order) the steps you perform. Let us remind you: a good block is the one that focuses on a set of cells of ranges on a target worksheet and uses data from one or more source worksheets (plus eventual calculations) to fill them.
For every block, first give a name to it to remember:
Second, check if you can use one of these scenarios to start with (open them by clicking on +):
There are several (even for every run a different number of) workbooks. From each workbook the relevant data of a source worksheet (all worksheets have the same data structure) must be concatenated onto a target worksheet before further processing.
The following steps do the job:
- Already, at the Definitions Block, the target worksheet is defined (step WSheet Use)
- Start a workbook list; specify the location and worksheet name of to-be-processed workbooks. The first workbook is automatically being used (step WBook List Start)
- Copy the information (typically one range, but several ranges are also possible) from the current workbook to the beginning or end of the collected data range(s) on the target worksheet (step Range Copy/Move)
- Take the next workbook until finished (step WBook List Next)
Use this scenario
There is a master data worksheet containing some category information (like departments; people; product types; classifications). Using the categories from the master data worksheet, the rows of another source worksheet (containing information about a category in each row) must be split into separate target worksheets (and then possibly processed further).
The following steps do the job:
- Already, in the Definitions Block, the master data worksheet and the source worksheet are defined (step WSheet Use)
- Start a loop to go through the (needed) rows of the master data worksheet (step RowList Start)
- For every row in the master data worksheet:
- Create a target worksheet (in the same or different workbooks) (step WSheet Use)
- Filter the source worksheet by the category value (step WSheet Filter Add)
- Copy the filtered range to the new worksheet (step Range Copy/Move)
- Take the next row until finished (step RowList Next)
Use this scenario
There is a workbook in a folder. It must be moved or copied to another folder which name is deductible from the original folder name and filename (e.g. next month or year).
The following steps will do the job:
- Copying or moving a workbook is a single step. The dynamic parts of the workbook source and target locations, and the name are used from the parameter worksheet. At the next copy only the parameters must be changed on the parameter worksheet without the need to modify the process (step WBook Copy/Rename)
Use this scenario
There is a folder structure, being used for a certain period (month, quarter, year). For the next period this folder structure must be created again starting from one or more different root folders (step Folder Create)
Use this scenario
There is a source worksheet with a given data structure (e.g. rows by days). There is also a target worksheet with different data structure (e.g. rows by months; or days are in columns instead of rows). The target data structure must be filled by collecting and processing information from the source worksheet.
The following steps will do the job:
- The worksheets are already defined in the Definitions Block (step WSheet Use)
- Start a loop to go through the rows of the target worksheet (step RowList Start)
- For each target cell in the current row that must be filled:
- Lookup the related cell in the source worksheet (this cell need not be used for filling the target cell). Think on finding the row with the same date or name or email address or code. This step is similar to locating the value with VLOOKUP (step Cell Lookup)
- Set the value of the target cell by copying or calculating it from source cells related to the value or coordinates (row number, column letter) of the found cell (step Cell Set)
Use this scenario
Every process can have some unique logic in its one or more blocks. Let’s put it together.